Ülevaade minu hobidest ( käsitöö, line tants, fotograafia). An overview of my hobbies (crafts, line dancing, photography). Обзор o моих увлечениях (РУЧНАЯ РАБОТА, line танцы, фотография).

31. jaan 2007

Lühendite tähendused

alt - Alternate
approx - Approximately
beg - begin[ning]
BO - bind off [cast off]
cab - Cable
CC - contrasting color
cn - cable needle
CO - cast on
cont - continue[ing]
dec - decrease[ing]
dpn - double pointed needles[s]
foll - follow[s][ing]
g - grams
inc - increase[ing]
incl - Including
inst - instructions
k - Knit
k tbl - knit through back of loop
k2tog - knit two together
m - meter[s]
MC - main color
m1 - make one
mm - Millimeters
mult - Multiple
opp - Opposite
oz - Ounces
p - Purl
p2tog - purl two together
patt[s] - pattern[s]
psso - pass slipped stitch[es] over
rem - Remaining
rep - Repeatv
rev St st - reverse stockinette stitch
RS - right side[s]
rnd[s] - round[s]
SSK - slip 2 stitches as if to knit, knit 2 stitches together
SSP - slip 2 stitches as if to purl, purl together
sl - Slip
slp - slip one as if to purl
sl st - slip stitch
st[s] - stitch[es]
St st - stockinette stitch
tbl - through back of loop[s]
tog - Together
WS - wrong side[s

* * - repeat directions between ** as many times as indicated

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